Advanced Editor
When you go to the book details screen for any book in the Club, Private or Suggested folders, you have access to the Advanced Editor for that book.
To bring up the Advanced Editor for any book, just click on the ADVANCED link at the bottom of the book details screen :-

The Advanced Editor provides slightly different facilities for each of the folders types.
Club books - Advanced Editor

For Club books you'll see the screen above - but only if you have admin access.
It lets you do the following:-
- Club Notes - any notes about the book for all the Club to see
- Chosen by - name or initials of who chose this book
- Date on Club - the month and year that it was read/added to the Club.
- Delete - remove the book from your Club entirely, along with all comments and reviews. Click on the Delete button, then you will be asked to confirm, then it is gone... Use it carefully!
Private books - Advanced Editor

For Private books you'll see the screen above.
It lets you do the following:-
- Delete - remove the book from your Private folder entirely, along with any review and rating. Click on the Delete button, then you will be asked to confirm, then it is gone...
- Move to Suggestions - this simply moves the book along with any review to the Suggestions Folder where it could by used by the oobSeer™.
Suggested books - Advanced Editor
For Suggested books you'll see the screen above.
It lets you do the following:-
- Delete - remove the book from your Suggestions folder entirely, along with any review and rating. Click on the Delete button, then you will be asked to confirm, then it is gone...
- Move to Private - this simply moves the book along with any review and rating to the Private Folder.
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