Events Screen

The OOB will maintain a diary of events for your Club and members. The events can be any type at all, but typically they will be club meetings and social events.

To get to the Events screen, just click on the Events option on the main menu.

Event list

The left panel will show a list of events. Click on any event to show details (if any) and to show the Edit and Delete options.

Event calendar

The right panel shows a monthly calendar showing events scheduled for that month.

Adding an event

To add a new event, click on the Add Event button in the left panel. This will show the Add Event form :-

Fill in the form and click the Save Event button. The event will then appear in the Event List and the Event Calendar.


Club meeting events have special significance for the Dashboard.  All future club meetings are displayed there in the Reminders section.

Edit/Delete an Event

To edit or delete an existing event, click on the name of the event in the Event List.  The edit and delete icons will show on the right hand side of the panel :-


Click the l Edit icon to edit the event. The Edit Event screen will appear in the panel.  Make your changes and click the Save Event button :-



Click the Delete icon to remove the event.

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